OlokikiNewsPaper Reporting South West Nigeria to the world and Reporting the world to South West Nigeria

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

By: Abdulganiyu Ajamu

    A call has been made to those put in charge of publicity and image making of President Muhammadu Buhari to reorganise their operations to correct negative impression many Nigerians are having about the Nigerian  leader.
   The call was made by the publisher of OLOKIKI Newspaper on line, Elder Olugbenga Ogundiran during the formal introduction of the newspaper in Akure, the Ondo State capital,Nigeria,West Africa.
   The event was held on the 30th of May 2018.
    OLOKIKI publisher said ‘Activities of image makers of PMB are too centralised. Their operations and efforts are concentrated in Abuja, the Federal Capital of Nigeria and they know little about what is going on in the nook and cranies of Nigeria.They need to decentralised and let the President be portrayed in proper and good image across the thirty six States of Nigeria.
    An investigation conducted by OLOKIKI news on line revealed that the over centralization, otherwise called Abujalisation of machinery of government information has created field day for antagonists of Buhari to be heeping hate speeches on PMB and his government and his political party without any let or hindrances.
   Private and even government owned radio stations are agog every morning with phone- in verbal expression of many uncivilised words on the President and his activities.
   Opposing political parties have plotted their stoogies strategically to misconstrue President speech, action and inaction up-side-down to rain war of words on him unabated.
   The Publisher of OLOKIKI news said “It is only in Buhari’s regime that I have witnesssed a nation’s President being called names with abuses and curses on him, and his friends, supporters, sympathizers and even his paid image makers fold their arms and mouths while the bad belle runs without reply.  No sensitisation of the educated-illiterates commentators and uncultured human rights activits.
   “Image makers of the president must wake up to their responsibilities” He concluded.
   Feedback to: editor OLOKIKI on email:olokikinewsonline@gmail.com whatsapp and messages to:08033786535 

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