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Wednesday, June 13, 2018


   This is news behind news. News that is greater than News. Iroyin to ju Iroyin lo.
 By Adedokun Davies 2018

 The former head of state, ex president and Commander- in -Chief of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida (IBB),has been claiming to be an offshoot of Minna, the Capital City of Niger State of Nigeria. But for many years, those who can remove cooked yam to the bottom of pot had been telling anybody that cares to listen that Babangida  the creator of militoncracy in Nigeria is an indigene of an ancient town in Oyo State of Nigeria known as Ogbomoso.
      The story and historical exponents argued with an oath taken with the grave of their grand mother that  the grandfathers of Babangida were born and bred in Ogbomoso town.That it was the struggle for greener  pastures that took them to the land of Hausa/Fulani in the years too numerous to be counted by the tips of fingers.
      This information exponents who are in plurals told OLOKIKI news on line that up to the time of advent of Badamosi, their Yoruba Origin tongue was glaring.
      They maintained that the Ibrahim in IBB’S name was an Islamic name.    That Badamosi was originally Gbadamosi.That it is a name that emanated from Yoruba language,that the Hausa/Fulanis can not pronounce “GB” which is an aiphabet in the Yoruba language that made them to call Badamosi instead of Gbadamosi.
       They also reiterate the point that Baba-n-gida the surname of IBB means Baba in the house. Therefore the Baba before ngida is a name of respected father among the Yorubas.
       Those behind these reveletion also maintained that IBB has been told severally about his place of origin and has even accepted it informally.
       Badamosi Babangida was also said to be fluent in Yoruba language that he can even write messages in the language of the Yorubas.
      Those contacted on the issue corroborated the matter with OLOKIKI news on line. The elders among them said “The Ogbomoso people are vastly travelling people and that their fore fathers have migrated to many parts of the world starting from Ibadan,to the Northern parts of Nigeria,to African countries like Togo, to Burkina Faso(formally Upper Volta) and Ivory coast among others .
      They stick to the point that this was reason for Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida present status as a son of the soil in Ogbomoso and Niger State paripasu.
      Keep a date with OLOKIKI as we shall keep you posted.
Has Babangida Yoruba connection affected “June 12 “ 1993.Also how it  as affected the botched creation of new Oyo State and Ibadan State from the present Oyo State of Nigeria,West Africa.
  Feedback to:Editor OLOKIKI on email:olokiikinewsonline@gmail.com  whatsapp and messages to:08033786535

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